10 Ways to Make Money at Home

10 Ways to Make Money at Home

10 Legitimate Ways to Make Money at Home Everyone wants to make a bit more money each month. You might want to make some money at home to pay for vacations. After the birth of your child, you might decide to want to be a stay at home parent, but …

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11 Natural Pest Fighting Flowers

11 Natural Pest Fighting Flowers

11 Natural Pest Fighting Flowers Flowers have more purposes in your garden than looking beautiful. If you research companion planting, you quickly learn that flowers can fight pests. Using flowers planted amongst your vegetable garden is a creative and natural way to fight pests looking for a quick meal. Years …

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13 Foods to Eat to Reduce Clogged Arteries

13 Foods to Eat to Reduce Clogged Arteries

13 Foods to Eat to Reduce Clogged Arteries Heart disease is one of the top killers in the United States, claiming one out of 4 deaths per year. Plaque builds up in the heart’s arteries, narrowing the inner walls, which restricts and blocks the flow of blood. Your arteries are …

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Basics of Crocheting: What You Need to Know

Basics of Crocheting What You Need to Know

Basics of Crocheting: What You Need to Know So, you are interested in learning how to crochet? Crocheting is a great hobby that keeps your hands and mind busy, all while creating useful and beautiful items for yourself and family. Getting started can feel overwhelming. Let’s take a look at …

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9 Top Anti-Inflammatory Herbs 

Anti-Inflammatory Herbs

The 9 Top Anti-Inflammatory Herbs While taking medication to reduce inflammation might work, it also does damage to your kidneys or liver. Many herbs have anti-inflammatory properties, giving you the relief that you need without the adverse side effects. Some of the top anti-inflammatory herbs might be in your cabinet …

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8 Reasons You Should Try Oil Pulling

8 Reasons You Should Try Oil Pulling

8 Reasons You Should Try Oil Pulling Oil pulling is an oral health technique; the ritual of oil pulling dates back 3,000 years. This Ayurvedic tradition is also called “gundusha” or “kavala” and involves swishing a tablespoon of oil in your mouth and between your teeth for at least 5 …

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11 Signs You are Probably Not Drinking Enough Water

11 Signs You are Probably Not Drinking Enough Water

11 Signs You are Probably Not Drinking Enough Water Are you drinking enough water daily? Doctors recommend that everyone consumes six to eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day. That can sound excessive, but we have to remember how much water we lose each day! Most importantly, the human body …

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10 Home Remedies to Get Rid Of Canker Sores

Home Remedies to Get Rid Of Canker Sores

10 Home Remedies to Get Rid Of Canker Sores Canker sores, also known as Aphthous stomatitis, is a small mouth ulcer that occurs at the base of the gum or inside the mouth. It can be very painful and can even make eating and talking difficult, but it doesn’t cause …

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Hungarian Mushroom Soup Recipe

Hungarian Mushroom Soup Recipe

Creamy Hungarian Mushroom Soup Recipe Hungarian Mushroom Soup is a delightful, creamy concoction that warms the soul and pleases the palate. It’s a comforting dish that has its roots in Eastern European cuisine, particularly Hungarian and Russian traditions. This rich and earthy soup is a perfect choice for those chilly …

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9 Home Remedies for Ingrown Toenails

9 Home Remedies for Ingrown Toenails

9 Home Remedies for Ingrown Toenails Like many people, I am hard on my toes. I spend a great deal of time on my feet, and not always in the most comfortable of shoes. At the end of the day, the result is often painfully swollen toes, which take extra …

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9 Home Remedies for Gout

9 Home Remedies for Gout

9 Home Remedies for Gout Gout is a kind of arthritis that can cause sudden stiffness, swelling, intense tenderness, and burning pain in a joint. The most common place for this pain to occur is the big toe. The area will continue to hurt and swell unless the gout is …

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Plantain: The Pharmacy in the Sidewalks

Plantain: The Pharmacy in the Sidewalks

Plantain: The Pharmacy in the Sidewalks Every spring, summer, and fall you can find this little plant right there in the cracks of the sidewalk, mixed in with the dandelions and somehow always staying alive no matter how many times it gets stepped on. Those are the Plantains, both the …

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