Off Grid

Homemade Ram Pump

How to: Make a ram pump

How to: Make a ram pump If you like to do DIY projects, you can benefit from your fun hobby by applying your enjoyment to helping you outside of preoccupying your spare time. For example, some projects can help you save money on your bills or perhaps make conveniences of life …

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How To Make A Storm Glass To Predict The Weather

How To Make A Storm Glass To Predict The Weather

How To Make A Storm Glass To Predict The Weather Predict the Weather with a Storm Glass Here’s How to Make One Have you ever heard an older person complain of aching joints that accurately predict the weather? Or have you noticed that woodland creatures are busily gathering seeds and …

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Foods that Regrow in Water

Foods that Regrow in Water

Foods that Regrow in Water Did you know that you can regrow food in water without planting them outside in dirt? If you have two black thumbs, regrowing food scraps in water is a good choice, and it can help you save some money. It’s a great trick for those …

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8 Insects You Can Use to Treat Injuries and Diseases

8 Insects You Can Use to Treat Injuries and Diseases

8 Insects You Can Use to Treat Injuries and Diseases Insects have been central to traditional healing practices for centuries in South America, Asia, and Africa. Preliminary medical trials have verified that many of these traditional ingredients contain beneficial properties. While modern, conventional medical care might be the preference in economically developed …

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The Homemade Water Wheel Electric Generator

The Homemade Water Wheel Electric Generator

Harnessing Nature’s Power: The Homemade Water Wheel Electric Generator Renewable energy sources play a crucial role in our efforts to combat climate change and transition towards a sustainable future. Among these sources, hydropower has proven to be a reliable and efficient option. In this article, we will explore the concept …

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Guide to Composting Toilets

Guide to Composting Toilets

Composting Toilets: Your Guide to Off The Grid Toilets  Moving off the grid means you have to think and have plans for things that you don’t need to consider when you live in the town. Going off the grid means you’re disconnecting yourself from the municipal sewage system, and that …

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9 Tips for living off the grid

9 Tips for living off the grid

9 Tips for living off the grid Living off the grid involves disconnecting from public resources for power supply, waste disposal and water supply. In earlier years, living off the grid used to mean going to hide somewhere in the woods and being isolated from everyone while living on the …

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How To Convert An Electric Water Heater To Run Off Solar

How To Convert An Electric Water Heater To Run Off Solar Maybe you want to get off the grid, or maybe you just want to save on your power bill. Whatever your initial motivation is, once you know all the advantages, you can rest assured that converting your electric water …

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3 Homemade Natural Weed Killer Recipes Tested

3 Homemade Natural Weed Killer Recipes Tested

3 Homemade Natural Weed Killer Recipes Tested  Are you experiencing the problem of eliminating weeds in your yard or garden because you are unable to find an adequate weed killer? Are you wanting to switch your store-bought weed killer for a more natural product? This video may have some information …

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20 Imaginative Ways to Use Lavender Oil

20 Imaginative Ways to Use Lavender Oil

20 Imaginative Ways to Use Lavender Oil Lavender (lavandula angustifolia) is one of the most versatile herbs and incredibly efficacious as an essential oil. Its botanical name, Lavandula, comes from the Latin, lavare, which means “to wash.” It was probably named for its use cleaning wounds, washing linens, and in …

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Debunking 7 Myths about Living a Self-Sufficient Lifestyle

Debunking 7 Myths about Living a Self-Sufficient Lifestyle

Debunking 7 Myths about Living a Self-Sufficient Lifestyle Living a self-sufficient lifestyle means different things to each person. Some people desire to produce everything they need, but others narrow down their goals. Their goals might be to grow all of their fruits and vegetables required for their family each year. …

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The Best Animals for a Homestead and Why You Need Them

The Best Animals for a Homestead

The Best Animals for a Homestead and Why You Need Them As you start to grow your homestead, you’ll start to wonder about adding animals. Animals serve many purposes, but most importantly, they’re a source of food for our families. If you’re like most homesteaders, you don’t have a ton …

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