6 Ways to Kill Mold Naturally

6 Ways to Kill Mold Naturally

6 Ways to Kill Mold Naturally Mold can appear anywhere in your house like basements and window sills. Bathroom windows are particularly vulnerable to mold because of the high exposure to moisture. Any window sill can develop mold though, especially if it lacks proper caulk avoid moisture seeping inside. If …

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9 Money-Saving Gardening Tips 

9 Money-Saving-Gardening-Tips 

9 Money-Saving Gardening Tips  Gardening is a fantastic hobby and lifestyle. You have the mental and physical benefits of gardening. However, gardening can cost a small fortune if you use everything purchased from a store. Gardening can be inexpensive if you learn how to put to work, recycle materials and utilize …

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Clever Ways Magazine Holders Can Organize Your Life

Clever Ways Magazine Holders Can Organize Your Life

Clever Ways Magazine Holders Can Organize Your Life Magazine racks provide the perfect spot for magazine overflow but what if there was some other ways to use them? Magazine holders — They come in all shapes and sizes and many materials such as metal, cardboard, wood ect.  aren’t just for corralling your …

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10 Natural and Effective Ibuprofen Alternatives

10 Natural and Effective Ibuprofen Alternatives

10 Natural and Effective Ibuprofen Alternatives The most common response to minor aches and pains is over-the-counter drugs such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Americans take these drugs more than any other, not realizing that frequent use can lead to long-term side effects including intestinal damage and liver failure. Long-term, high-dose …

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Benefits of Kombucha and How to Make It

Benefits of Kombucha and How to Make It

Benefits of Kombucha and How to Make It Kombucha may seem like a new trend that recently hit the grocery shelves of the United States. While the kombucha trend is growing in popularity, the Chinese started fermenting teas over 2,000 years ago. Legend tells us that kombucha was called the …

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How to Make a Wood Fired Hot Tub for Less than $300

DIY Wood Fired Hot Tub

How to Make a Wood Fired Hot Tub for Less than $300 Hot tubs are pricey, but they can make your body feel amazing. After a long day working outside in the garden or tending to animals, your body might feel like it was hit by a truck. Unfortunately, most …

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Simple Homemade Laundry Detergent

Simple Homemade Laundry Detergent

Simple Homemade Laundry Detergent A few years ago, skin sensitivities in my household inspired me to switch away from the harsh chemicals and additives in most commercial laundry detergents in favor of natural alternatives. As I experimented with different wet and dry detergent recipes, I found that they could not …

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Frugal Lessons From the Amish

Frugal Lessons From the Amish

10 Frugal Lessons From the Amish No one understands how to live a frugal lifestyle better than the Amish. However, they aren’t writing books or articles to help us out! The Amish lifestyle is known by everyone; they live a simpler lifestyle than what most modern families do. Amish are …

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Planting Fruit Trees: What You Need to Know

Planting Fruit Trees

Planting Fruit Trees: What You Need to Know Adding fruit trees to your homestead doesn’t have to be complicated. Growing fruit on your homestead is a wise way to expand what you can produce without too much work. Once fruit trees are planted, they’ll provide for years to come with …

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Homemade Jewelry Cleaners

Homemade Jewelry Cleaners

Homemade Jewelry Cleaners: Recipes, Tips, and What Not to Do Jewelry is not just an accessory; it’s an expression of your style and personality. Over time, even the most exquisite pieces can lose their luster due to dirt, oils, and tarnish. Commercial jewelry cleaners are readily available, but did you …

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What Your Poop Means about Your Health

Do You Know What Your Poop Means about Your Health?

Do You Know What Your Poop Means about Your Health? Poop may not be a topic everyone likes to discuss, but your daily poo can tell you a lot about your health. Your doctor may not have asked you about it, but it’s important to know that most diseases and …

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