Off Grid

8 Old Fashioned Home Remedies for the Common Cold

8 Old Fashioned Home Remedies for the Common Cold

8 Old Fashioned Home Remedies for the Common Cold Cold and flu season seems to last longer each year. As the weather cools down, more people end up feeling sick, just in time for the holidays and family parties. Having a cold is miserable, especially as face endless holiday parties …

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How To Freeze Eggs

How To Freeze Eggs

How To Freeze Eggs We are all accustomed to the idea of getting raw eggs, cook them and then enjoy their great taste. But what a lot of people don’t realize is the fact that you can also freeze eggs. It’s a very interesting idea and it’s also one of …

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DIY 55 Gallon Cook Top Woodstove

DIY 55 Gallon Cook Top Woodstove

How to Build a DIY 55 Gallon Cook Top Woodstove When you embark on the self-sufficient living lifestyle, you might want to consider making your cooktop woodstove. Believe it or not, they are easy to make with the right tools and time available! A 55-gallon cooktop woodstove for heating and …

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4 Ways To Remove Tree Stumps

4 Ways To Remove Tree Stumps

4 Ways To Remove Tree Stumps Tree stumps can be referred to as the esthetic blemishes present in the garden landscape. The systems used to remove any tree stump depends largely on the size and age of the tree. Luckily, there are various methods that can be used to remove …

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13 Creative ways To Reuse Ammo Cans

13 Creative ways To Reuse Ammo Cans

13 Creative ways To Reuse Ammo Cans Ammo cans are normally used for the safe transfer of ammo by the military. Due to their sturdy nature, durable material, and resealable covers, ammo cans can also be used for a variety of household purposes. It’s for this reason that used ammo cans are …

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Frugal Lessons From the Amish

Frugal Lessons From the Amish

10 Frugal Lessons From the Amish No one understands how to live a frugal lifestyle better than the Amish. However, they aren’t writing books or articles to help us out! The Amish lifestyle is known by everyone; they live a simpler lifestyle than what most modern families do. Amish are …

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Planting Fruit Trees: What You Need to Know

Planting Fruit Trees

Planting Fruit Trees: What You Need to Know Adding fruit trees to your homestead doesn’t have to be complicated. Growing fruit on your homestead is a wise way to expand what you can produce without too much work. Once fruit trees are planted, they’ll provide for years to come with …

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Learn How You Can Have FREE Wi-Fi In Your RV

Learn How You Can Have FREE Wi-Fi In Your RV

Learn How You Can Have FREE Wi-Fi In Your RV Finding a way to have a reliable internet connection when you are living the fulltime RV life is hard. You end up relying on coffee shops, lodges, and gas stations with available power outlets or free Wi-Fi, but that doesn’t …

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