
14 Plants that Naturally Repel Fleas and Other Insects

14 Plants that Naturally Repel Fleas and Other Insects

14 Plants that Naturally Repel Fleas and Other Insects Are you sick of dealing with fleas and insects? Unfortunately, your pets can gather fleas in all seasons, including winter. Insect and flea problems exist year-round, and it’s a frustrating problem to have. Plants are a powerful way to repel fleas …

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The 10 Best Herbal Healers to Have on Hand

The 10 Best Herbal Healers to Have on Hand

The 10 Best Herbal Healers to Have on Hand As summer slips away and autumn approaches, it brings with it a lot of changes for which we need to prepare. Cooler weather means it’s time to start putting away shorts and tank tops and digging out sweaters and jackets, and …

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10 Benefits Of Coffee For Your Skin, Hair, And Health

10 Benefits Of Coffee For Your Skin, Hair, And Health

10 Benefits Of Coffee For Your Skin, Hair, And Health People love coffee for its enticing aroma and delicious flavor, not to mention its caffeine, which delivers a much-needed dose of energy that makes it a breakfast staple for many. What most people, including many of coffee’s biggest fans, don’t …

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16 Surprising Uses for Coconut Oil


 16 Surprising Uses for Coconut Oil It’s about time for a coconut oil revolution. From skin care to healthy snacks and beyond, this miracle substance can improve your life in so many ways. This superfood has a bevy of fatty acids and positive compounds to keep you feeling fresh, healthy, and …

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8 Simple Tricks for Pesky Pimples


8 Simple Tricks for Pesky Pimples They’re frighteningly big, maddeningly persistent, and they always find those most conspicuous areas on your nose, forehead, and chin. Pimples wreak havoc on facial tissue and our psyche. Although there are tons of strong, chemical filled solutions, these can also severely dry the face …

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8 Essential Oils that Repel Insects

8 Essential Oils that Repel Insects Summer is a delightful time of year. Sunshine, picnics, beach trips, and fresh summer peaches make it many people’s favorite season. The only big detractor? Bugs! All that warmth, sunshine, and humidity make summer insects’ favorite season too. Not that the words isn’t big …

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3 Natural Homemade Hand Sanitizers

3 Natural Homemade Hand Sanitizers

3 Natural Homemade Hand Sanitizers There are two ways you can get rid of harmful microbes from your hands: through proper handwashing with soap and water or by rubbing your hands with hand sanitizer. The former method acts by suspending the microbes on your hands, on your oily skin, between …

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7 Benefits of Taking Cod Liver Oil Everyday

7 Benefits of Taking Cod Liver Oil Everyday

7 Benefits of Taking Cod Liver Oil Everyday We’ve all heard those stories that our parents or grandparents told about holding their noses while being dosed with cod liver oil. I think many of us may have categorized those with “wive’s tales” and “folk lore.” However, there is more truth to …

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Natural Ways To Rid Yourself Of Mosquitoes


18 Natural Ways To Rid Yourself Of Mosquitoes  Natural ways to prevent bites and the potential health risks they pose. Of biting bugs, none are more notoriously annoying than mosquitoes. Not only do they prey on human blood and leave behind itchy red welts, they can also leave behind a …

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Thе Quickest Wау Tо Lose Weight In 4 Weeks

Thе Quickest Wау Tо Lose Weight In 4 Weeks

Thе Quickest Wау Tо Lose Weight In 4 Weeks Week 1 I dіd ѕоmе research fоr thе rіght weight loss cure, tо gain ѕоmе confidence аnd self-esteem wаѕ а goal I hаd іn mind. I wanted tо lose weight rеаllу bad, аnd I hаd trіеd аlmоѕt everything. Frоm diet pills, …

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