DIY: Laundry Basket Turned Strawberry Planter

Gardening is becoming increasingly popular, especially as grocery prices continue to increase. Why pay a store to give you food that you can grow yourself? The only problem is that gardening is not the easiest of work for some people, especially if they live in a place that does not support a big area for gardening. Well, did you know that you can grow your own strawberries with a common household item like a laundry basket, despite your living space? Take a look at how you can!
To get started you will need.
Burlap Sack, you can buy them there HERE
Laundry Basket, you can buy them there HERE
What Did the Video Say About Turning a Laundry Basket into a Strawberry Planter?
The video is very simple and will tell you what you need for the strawberry planter, where to get the materials, and how to make it. Once the strawberries are planted, the video will show you how to decorate the top of the basket with other plants to give it a beautiful look.
If You Want a Strawberry Planter from a Laundry Basket, Is the Video Worth Watching?
Although this is an easy project, I hope you do not think it is a simple as tossing dirt into a laundry basket. If you did, watch the video! The hostess will show you exactly what you need to do and the materials your laundry basket planter will need.

Why Would You Want to Make a Strawberry Planter Out of a Laundry Basket?
Let’s be honest, planting pots can get pretty expensive, especially if you want the planter to look a certain way instead of a typical plain look or want to purchase multiple planters. This is not even taking size into account! Switching from standard planters to laundry baskets has it all! Landry baskets are very cheap and can be found at any store like Walmart, Target, dollar stores and more. Saving money on purchasing costs can allow you to make more planters if you wanted.
Laundry baskets also come in a variety of shapes that make storing or placing your planter convenient and fit your individual gardening needs. Also, laundry baskets can come in multiple colors to make your planter appearance a little more fun or match the theme of the area it will be placed in.
Laundry baskets are also recyclable for this project, even if they are broken; at least not broken to the point of falling apart. Being able to reuse them despite broken areas saves you, even more, money, unlike traditional pots that may need to be replaced because of something like a menacing crack. Also, laundry basket planters save you money at the grocery store. When you are able to grow your own food, strawberries, in this case, you don’t have to worry about planning that food into the grocery budget. Finally, you can even sell your strawberries if you wanted to as many people love homegrown fruits and vegetables. Considering how low the cost is for laundry basket planters, you would make your money back from savings or sales in no time!
Really enjoyed your idea on the laundry basket strawberry planter, going to try it