home remedies

9 Natural Methods To Stop Acid Reflux In Its Tracks

9 Natural Methods To Stop Acid Reflux In Its Tracks

9 Natural Methods To Stop Acid Reflux In Its Tracks Acid reflux is painful, frustrating and debilitating at times. Millions of people suffer every day, potentially leading to other health problems. Acid reflux leads to heartburn and extra burping. At times, the pain can be so severe; you might feel …

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Getting Over Gout: 11 Herbal and Natural Remedies

Getting Over Gout: 11 Herbal and Natural Remedies

Getting Over Gout: 11 Herbal and Natural Remedies There is nothing good about gout. Essentially a short-term form of arthritis, gout is caused by elevated levels of uric acid in the blood stream. If not properly eliminated, this acid can form needle-like urate crystals that collect in joints and soft tissues …

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11 Impressive Home Remedies for Stretch Marks

11 Impressive Home Remedies for Stretch Marks

11 Impressive Home Remedies for Stretch Marks Stretch marks are off-colored stripes or streaks that form on your skin because of stretching skin or weight changes. Pregnancy and obesity are the two most common reasons for stretch marks, but puberty and hormone replacement therapy. These form on the waist, thighs, …

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Traditional Cherokee Medicinal Plants

Traditional Cherokee Medicinal Plants

Traditional Cherokee Medicinal Plants The Cherokee, a Native American Tribe located in the Southeastern United States, have a strong history of understanding, gathering, and preserving medicinal herbs. Part of their understanding of these plants includes the plants’ inherent power to offer both preventative and healing properties. One of the tenets …

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10 Natural and Effective Ibuprofen Alternatives

10 Natural and Effective Ibuprofen Alternatives

10 Natural and Effective Ibuprofen Alternatives The most common response to minor aches and pains is over-the-counter drugs such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Americans take these drugs more than any other, not realizing that frequent use can lead to long-term side effects including intestinal damage and liver failure. Long-term, high-dose …

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Benefits of Kombucha and How to Make It

Benefits of Kombucha and How to Make It

Benefits of Kombucha and How to Make It Kombucha may seem like a new trend that recently hit the grocery shelves of the United States. While the kombucha trend is growing in popularity, the Chinese started fermenting teas over 2,000 years ago. Legend tells us that kombucha was called the …

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What Your Poop Means about Your Health

Do You Know What Your Poop Means about Your Health?

Do You Know What Your Poop Means about Your Health? Poop may not be a topic everyone likes to discuss, but your daily poo can tell you a lot about your health. Your doctor may not have asked you about it, but it’s important to know that most diseases and …

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11 Crazy Home Remedies Using Onions That Really Work

11 Crazy Home Remedies Using Onions That Really Work

11 Crazy Home Remedies Using Onions That Really Work Nearly everyone has onions in their pantry. Onions can make or break the flavor of dinner or lunch. Yet, you might not realize that those onions you are sautéing also have impressive medicinal benefits. That’s right! Onions can be in your tomato …

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13 Foods to Eat to Reduce Clogged Arteries

13 Foods to Eat to Reduce Clogged Arteries

13 Foods to Eat to Reduce Clogged Arteries Heart disease is one of the top killers in the United States, claiming one out of 4 deaths per year. Plaque builds up in the heart’s arteries, narrowing the inner walls, which restricts and blocks the flow of blood. Your arteries are …

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9 Top Anti-Inflammatory Herbs 

Anti-Inflammatory Herbs

The 9 Top Anti-Inflammatory Herbs While taking medication to reduce inflammation might work, it also does damage to your kidneys or liver. Many herbs have anti-inflammatory properties, giving you the relief that you need without the adverse side effects. Some of the top anti-inflammatory herbs might be in your cabinet …

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8 Reasons You Should Try Oil Pulling

8 Reasons You Should Try Oil Pulling

8 Reasons You Should Try Oil Pulling Oil pulling is an oral health technique; the ritual of oil pulling dates back 3,000 years. This Ayurvedic tradition is also called “gundusha” or “kavala” and involves swishing a tablespoon of oil in your mouth and between your teeth for at least 5 …

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11 Signs You are Probably Not Drinking Enough Water

11 Signs You are Probably Not Drinking Enough Water

11 Signs You are Probably Not Drinking Enough Water Are you drinking enough water daily? Doctors recommend that everyone consumes six to eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day. That can sound excessive, but we have to remember how much water we lose each day! Most importantly, the human body …

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