
How to Pick the Firewood that Puts Off the Most Heat

How to Pick the Firewood that Puts Off the Most Heat

How to Pick the Firewood that Puts Off the Most Heat As winter creeps closer, you might wonder what wood is the best for heating and burning to keep your house toasty warm. The best results and more heat per wood volume come from burning the highest density, or heaviest, …

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Five Useful Knots For Camping, Survival, Hiking, And More

Five Useful Knots For Camping, Survival, Hiking, And More

 Five Useful Knots For Camping, Survival, Hiking, And More Have you ever come across a situation where something you never really thought of before was all of a sudden extremely important? Finding yourself in this kind of spot can be a big headache for you or worse, life-threatening. Can you …

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Hardtack Recipe

Hardtack Recipe

Hardtack Recipe: The Timeless Survival Bread That Lasts Forever In times of uncertainty and survival scenarios, having a reliable source of sustenance is essential. Enter hardtack, a simple and durable bread that has stood the test of time. With origins dating back centuries, hardtack has served as a staple food …

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Debunking 10 Survival Myths: Separating Fact from Fiction

Debunking 10 Survival Myths: Separating Fact from Fiction

Debunking 10 Survival Myths: Separating Fact from Fiction In the realm of survival, misinformation can be a dangerous adversary. Popular culture, movies, and even well-intentioned advice often perpetuate myths that may do more harm than good in emergency situations. This article aims to debunk common survival myths and provide readers …

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8 Insects You Can Use to Treat Injuries and Diseases

8 Insects You Can Use to Treat Injuries and Diseases

8 Insects You Can Use to Treat Injuries and Diseases Insects have been central to traditional healing practices for centuries in South America, Asia, and Africa. Preliminary medical trials have verified that many of these traditional ingredients contain beneficial properties. While modern, conventional medical care might be the preference in economically developed …

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8 Common Medicinal Trees You Should Be Growing

8 Common Medicinal Trees You Should Be Growing

8 Common Medicinal Trees You Should Be Growing Tree medicines have an advantage over fresh herbs in that they can be harvested year-round. There are several prevalent varieties that grow in North America whose roots, leaves, bark, or twigs can be used to treat common ailments. As with using herbs, it’s …

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Guide to Composting Toilets

Guide to Composting Toilets

Composting Toilets: Your Guide to Off The Grid Toilets  Moving off the grid means you have to think and have plans for things that you don’t need to consider when you live in the town. Going off the grid means you’re disconnecting yourself from the municipal sewage system, and that …

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How To Make A Flower Pot Grill & Smoker

How To Make A Flower Pot Grill & Smoker

How To Make A Flower Pot Grill & Smoker People always look for unique ways to cook their food to provide better flavor or convenience; especially when barbecuing. Magnify your barbecuing experience with a flower pot grill and smoker! What Can the Video Tell You About Making and Using a Flower …

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Stinging Nettle Tea: How to Make It and The Benefits

Stinging Nettle Tea

Stinging Nettle Tea: How to Make It and The Benefits It’s hard to imagine a plant named stinging nettle could be a good thing. Anyone who has grabbed these plants with their bare hands understands that it’s not comfortable. The sting from stinging nettle can last hours. Who would think …

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10 Wild Edibles You Can Eat 

10 Wild Edibles You Can Eat 

10 Wild Edibles You Can Eat  Being lost in the wilderness can be a scary situation especially if you lack food and water. Finding water should be your first task, but you also want to find food. The forest is a source of many wild edibles that can save your …

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11 Campfire Recipes You Must Try

11 Campfire Recipes You Must Try

11 Campfire Recipes You Must Try Camping season is upon us! Summertime is the perfect time to escape with your family into the woods and camp under the stars. Kids spend their days wading in the creeks, fishing, and enjoying time without technology. Families can roast marshmallows, play board games, …

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Reasons you should be cooking with cast iron

9 Reasons you should be cooking with cast iron

9 Reasons you should be cooking with cast iron Cast iron used to be the most popular and trusted cookware before people started using Aluminum, Stainless steel and Teflon cookware. Peradventure because it could be used to cook with almost all types of heat. Of course, after a while, people …

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