8 Ways to Get Rid of Wasps and Keep Them Away

As we enjoy the spring and summer seasons, we may start to notice a pesky problem arising; wasps. Wasps are aggressive, territorial insects that will leave you a painful reminder to not get too close. For some people, wasps can be deadly! Especially if a huge swarm is involved. A problem people are noticing is that the weather throughout the year is lacking freezing cold days that normally kill wasps during winter.
Not only do people have to deal with wasps for a longer period of time but now there are more of them too. Have you noticed them flying around your yard? Want to get rid of them? Take a look at eight tips that will not only get rid of wasps but will keep them from coming back too!
1. Take preventative measures
First, do not squish or swat a wasp unless it is necessary for protection. Wasps have a chemical that stimulates aggression which will be released and attract other wasps in the area. By eliminating one problem you can be inviting in a handful more.

Second, eliminate elements that can attract them like:
- Uncovered trashcans
- Pet or bird food
- Left out food
- Strong perfume or lotion
- Sweet things that will interest them
- Finally, keep your house prepared at all times. Repair broken elements that will make a good nesting ground for wasps like panels or crevices. Routinely scan the outside of your house to ensure structural quality. Keep doors and windows closed so wasps don’t fly in. Fill in burrows and rodent holes with dirt.
2. Have a few tricks up your sleeve
Create fake nests to keep wasps from settling, territorial instincts will keep them from nesting if they believe territory has already been claimed. Decoy nests can either be easily crafted or purchased. A small craft can be:
- Crumble newspapers into balls
- Place them into shopping bags and close them
- Put the shopping bags into lunch-size bags
- Hang the bags where you think the wasps might nest
Trick them into thinking a spider web can trap them by hanging up sandwich bags filled with water. Make sure you are wearing protective clothing to minimize injury. Some protective items can include:
- Long-sleeved shirt
- Bee hat
- Gloves
- Eyewear
- Coveralls
3. Keep oils ready to go
Wasps hate mint so it is effective to use peppermint oil as a natural repellant. Take a cotton ball and add a few drops of peppermint oil to it. Then, place the cotton balls in hot spots wasps may like to or already have used as a nesting ground.
You can also mix an essential oil blend into a spray bottle by adding several drops of the oil to the water and spraying the outside of your house. This oil mix includes:
- Peppermint oil
- Clove
- Geranium essential oils
- Lemongrass
- Also, add a few squirts of dish soap.
4. Set up traps
Take a two-liter bottle, cut the top off, and invert the bottle inside the bottom. Add sugar water to entice wasps to go inside. This trap keeps them in because they can’t figure how to get out.

5. Use the power of plants
Replace flowers with wasp repellant plants in areas you enjoying sitting out in to decrease the chances of encountering a wasp. These plants include:
- Wormwood
- Thyme citronella
- Spearmint
- Eucalyptus
6. Attack at night
Wasps are least active at night which makes it the optimal time when all wasps are back in the nest. Nighttime spraying conserves your spraying material. Do not shine a bright light into the nest. It will wake and anger the wasps.
IMPORTANT: Chemical treatments can be potentially hazardous to your health. It is strongly recommended to hire a professional or use natural methods before turning to chemical products. If you decide to press forward with chemical sprays, ensure you read and follow the directions. Understand how to treat yourself if chemicals get in your eyes or digested and where you will perform the treatment.
7. Purchase pesticide sprays
Wasp control products can be conveniently purchased and used to spray on wasps and wasps nest. The following lists are recommended products:
- Dusters
- PT Wasp & Hornet Freeze
- LambdaStar Ultra Cap 9.7
- Bonide Wasp and Hornet Aerosol
- Tempo Dust
- Wasp X Wasp & Hornet Spray
- Cyper WSP
- EcoExempt Jet Contact Aerosol
IMPORTANT: It is very dangerous to remove wasp nests on your own. It is highly recommended to hire a professional company first. If you decided to remove the nest yourself, find out if you are allergic to wasp stings if you do not know already. This can be done by performing a test with your doctor. Also, wear protective clothing and have an escape plan in case if the wasps swarm.
8. Take out the nests
There are a number of ways to remove wasp nests.
Drowning – Cover the nest with a cloth bag and tie it at the top. It is best to do this at night since they are least active. Place the nest in a bucket filled with water. Then, drop a large rock on the nest to completely submerge the nest.
Soapy water – Soap clogs their breathing pores and kills them almost immediately whereas chemicals take a long period. Add two tablespoons of dish soap to a bottle filled with water and spray away.
Smoke – Suffocate and evacuate wasps by smoking them out. You can either set a small fire beneath their nest or light a small grill. Keep in mind, this is for aerial nests.
Be Safe and Vigilant
No one enjoys the fear of being injured by a wasp. Equally so, it is annoying to get rid of wasps and have them return later. However, there are multiple methods you can perform to get rid of wasps and keep them from returning. It is important to stay safe and remain vigilant of the surroundings of your home. Good luck!