48 Abandoned Shops Are Transformed Into Homes

48 Abandoned Shops Are Transformed Into Homes

48 Abandoned Shops Are Transformed Into Homes

Does it feel like it is time for a change in your life? Are you ready to move or want something different? Do you need to save money on rent? You should consider small lofts as a home!

Is Living in a 225sq-ft Micro Loft Doable?

No bathtub, tiny kitchens, wall-to-wall beds, can you really live like that? Wouldn’t tight spaces make you feel a little claustrophobic? Living without common luxuries like master bedrooms, full sized living rooms, and a personal laundry area may not seem doable to you. However, this video is ready to prove to you how your conclusions would be wrong.

48 Abandoned Shops Are Transformed Into Homes

What Was the Information Shared in the Video?

The Providence Arcade is the oldest indoor shopping mall in the country that was built in 1828. People want to save historic buildings but it is not really plausible unless they buildings provide some kind of economic value. Half of the shopping mall is made up of common areas so optimal capital opportunity must be secured in order to generate enough profits to make the historical building “worth keeping”. This reason influenced the development and renting of 225 sqft micro lofts located on the upper floors of the building.

There are also 400 sqft units available for rent as well. Due to building codes and how small the units are, walls and doors are limited, making the floor more of an open space. Residents often like the convenience of living on the upper floors of the Providence Arcade and enjoy their cozy homes. It is either a home away from home or perfect!

48 Abandoned Shops Are Transformed Into Homes

Is There a Reason to Giving Up Some of Your Time?

Can you live in a space so small that you cannot have an oven in your kitchen? To most people, living in anything under a minimum of 1100 sqft seems highly unlikely. However, this video demonstrates how this idea may not be so accurate with the testimonies of the Providence Arcade residents. Through the tours of their lofts and their individual opinions, the video shows why residing in a tiny loft may be more of a deal than big homes. This can potentially open up a new possibility for you and even save money if you decide to act upon it!

A big concern with small living spaces is storage capacity. You would think that a 225 sqft loft can barely hold anything. However, the video shows you how you can get creative with built it and multi-functional techniques to get the most out of every square inch.

Is it Time to Consider Downsizing?

Does a snug loft sound exciting now that the video helped warm you up to it? Small, open floor plans seem inviting for friendly coziness. Little space means little clean up. Renting a loft can most likely save you money. Not having to live in a huge house can give you more of a sense of security. In a way, they are your own little nook away from the world!

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